About me
About James Star
James Star is a german book author with two university degrees who works as an independent contractor. He helps people in all aspects of life, gives helpful advice and offers even in challenging situations meaningful solutions. His passion is about everything related to the topic of success in life (link to a german page).
Technical interests
Among others, he is particularly interested in HTML5, CSS3, PHP, Javascript, jQuery, Python, Flash, SQL, SEO, WordPress, image- and video editing and in general webdevelopment.
Over the past years James has built numerous completely unique websites for companies and individuals and also wrote custom scripts for special needs, ranging from simple lottery-like probabilities to complex solutions for video platforms and large shopping portals.
More information
Alongside the topic of success in life and the related preparation of his next book, he recently expanded his site with a new section called Webmasterhelp, where he gives helpful answers to interesting technical topics.
If you want to get in touch with James, it’s really easy. He is a cheerful, pleasant guy who has an open ear for everyone.

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